Friday, May 21, 2010

More outdoor fun

So day 2 of frog pool fun, mamma was prepared. I actually suited Kellan up in his 6-12 month trunks from last year, lathered him up with lots of SPF and brought out all the water/sand/pool toys. He was ready !

Its been working out where Kellan gets up from his nap, I feed Campbell, put her down then its Kellan and mommy time (love it). That's why there are no pictures of her outside, just in case you where wondering.

Then I brought out and blew up myself (sigh) this big ole beach ball (b-day present from the Goldens)that you hook the water hose up to and it spays all over the place. He loved it !!
The next day I invited Kellan's girlfriends Willa & Dovie over to share some of the excitement, only Dovie got sprayed in the face with water and decided to go with her momma for a car ride to pick up her daddy.

These 2 played so well with one another. Couldn't care less they were getting soaked in the face.
Then it was time for a pick up ride, notice Kellan's letting Willa drive ????

Not sure whats going on here ?? Willa's a little rebel, no fear riding the four wheeler off the porch.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Pretty Pister

Promise I take pictures of Campbell too (just mostly on my IPhone) these are from 5-10-10. Just happened to have the camera handy, Kellan must not have been around ??
So hard to get her to smile on camera, just like brother, but regardless, she's still a doll !!

I know this pictures out of focus, but I just love the big-o slobber bubble.

On this day (5-11-10) while Elmo was babysitting Campbell, Kellan pulled his rocker over next to her, So stinkin sweet !!

Clearly he's explaining the story line to her.

Ok so I forgot about these I took of Campbell yesterday. Such a cutie pie !!

Money in hand ready to go shopping !!

Frog pool fun

Bibi and Pa bought Kellan a little blow up frog pool his first summer. He has never showed a bit of interest in it. Actually, i think he would scream bloody murder last year if we even suggested he try it out. One Monday a few weeks ago I decided to blow it up and fill it with water while he was napping. Daddy has decked out the open space under his swing set fort so now we have a perfect shady play space. When he woke up, and Pister went down I took him outside to check it out.
At first he just stared at it.
Then I told him he could splash, something he's not allowed to do in the bath tub.
Then he got his feet in, and slipped so he was all wet.

Then it was on!!
And its been a daily hit ever since. Weather permitting we are out there daily.

He had to take a break to cruise in his bubble car.

Then back in the pool, with no shorts ??

Snack break, Lightning juice and applegrapes (what he calls em).

What been going on around here

Well its been a while since I've made time to blog. Not sure why I can't seem to find the time ?? Since last post, being Kellan's birthday, lot has happened (not really)! Kellan is a typical 2 year old. He talks all day loonnggggggg! He tells little stories about whats going on in his life. And really likes to explain the world to Pister. Brady says he reminds him of my dad (so does, & so sweet) the way he tells stories, he gets his forehead all wrinkled up and shakes his head up and down while he talks.

At his 2 year check up, Kellan still out weighs most 9month olds at 22 lbs, but is pretty tall. Campbell is near half his weight at 13 lbs and is super tall almost 26 inches.

My goal for Campbell @ 4 months old was getting her to take naps in her crib. It all starting out ok, but then we got side-tracked when she got an ear infection, poor baby, then all was out the window, poor thing just couldn't get comfortable. Since that has cleared up, we've been back on track and she's successfully been crib-napping May 1st ish !! Makes a world of difference in every ones life when both babies do all their sleeping in their cribs!!

Campbell rolls over like a champ, prefers to sleep that way. She's a wild women in the exersaucer and can even touch the bottom (couldn't 1 month ago). Its hard to believe she will be 6 months old soon, my where does the time go?

Anyways here's a few pictures of the last month or so.
Kellan really likes to help mommy cook, most nights are spent with him sitting on the island with a bowl saying "stir stir stir". This particular night Pister wanted to help too. They are making dumplings!

Kellan being a goof at lunch time with Lighting noodle juice all over his face.

Frito's with noodle ?? Not sure what I was thinking ??

Pister sitting pretty. Notice she still has her perfect "curl hawk" So cute !!

Here he is tellin Pister all about it, and she just listens to him like its the most important thing she's ever heard (probably is).

Not sure why it went bad, but it did.