Wednesday, March 31, 2010

March happenings

Slowly I am getting back into the routine of normal life and finding time to do things like blog. Campbell has been a perfect baby and Kellan's been a perfect big brother, but I am not saying he's been a perfect two year old !! He certainly has really, really been pushing the limits. But when it comes to Pister, he's a little gentleman.

Campbell moved out of her pack-n-play in our room and into her room the end of February and has been sleeping though the night in her big girl bed ever since. That alone makes life seem more normal. Naps on the other hand are yet to be routine. She has yet to nap in her crib, but with out fail she will fall fast asleep in her swing. My goal for this month (April) is to get the nap thing worked out. When Campbell's awake, she's the happiest little thing you ever did see. Loves to talk and giggle. And loves Kellan to talk to her. He will get right down to her level and baby talk just like we do to her and she just lights up. He will say "Hi Pister" over and over and give her lots of kisses.

Kellan is a little grown up, he helps me clean up, vaccum, cook, really anything I ask him. It amazes me all he can do, if I just ask. Oh and he can now open doors and climb the ladder to the fort of his swing set. Now poop in the potty, what ever, not quite that smart yet. He loves to run and play, loves his cars, boots, noodle and spending time with all his family.
He's so strong and can pull his wagon all over the place, currently its in my living room !!
Apparently his wagon had a mind of its own and he was quite upset with it.

Beau has decided he likes to cuddle with Campbell on her floor mat.

Yep, she's that much of a big girl. Freaks me out that she old enough to sit up.

Kellan and Campbell sharing some good quality play time together.

Kellan helping me make dips for his birthday party, I'm sure no one minded that his hands were all up in the dip !!
The days start off cool and warm up by afternoon, so Campbell's been having to change clothes mid day to accommodate the weather change. Plus she's got a bazillion spring/summer outfits and hair bows to wear !!

When I take pictures of Campbell, I think he gets a little jealous at times, so here was his "Cheeeeze" pose. Handsome boy !!
By the way, these are all pictures for March. More to come soon, hopefully !!

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