Monday, September 29, 2008

Marcus turns 4

Saturday was Marcus's 4th birthday party. Hard to believe he that's old. I remember when he was just a little 5 lb peanut. Anyways, the party was at the Little Gym, but we missed most of it, (love Brady, hate the demands of his job at times) We did make it there in time for the present opening then the after party at momma Brandy's house. It was a great day hanging with friends and lots of rowdy kids !!
Baby Jace and Kellan love to look at each other
This is what a kids room looks like when you turn it lose to 4 little ones under the age of 5
Brie-Brie trying to "snake" the baby
Baby Jace does not want to put his PJ's on, but daddy succeeds, just now he doesn't want to go to bed, its more fun to ride the scooter around the house while holding his golf club.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Another fun Sunday outside

Well we spent yet another Sunday out doors. I am bound and determined to get the yard done. Of course by the time we do, it will be time to plant fall stuff. The dogs are liking Kellan more and more, besides Chuck, notice the picture where Kellan is trying to pet him.

Do you think Lucy's jealous that her daddy is lovin on the baby ??

Friday, September 19, 2008

Almost crawling

Well Kellan will be crawling before we know it. He can really roll well. He get to his tummy, but can't figure out how to pick the head up, tuck the arms under and go, it won't be long though.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

What Kellan think's of sweet peas

The doc told us as we start feeding Kellan baby food to only give him 1 new thing at a time and give him the same thing for a week or so to make sure he has no reaction to it. We are now on our second veggie, being sweet peas. Of course the first time they touch his mouth, its yuck, but as time goes on, he likes it ok, well maybe ???

Those were pictures from the first day of peas. Last night was the last day of peas for a while. He for sure likes them better now.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Trying the sippy

I have been told by many to try the sippy early. So not knowing any better, I am trying it. He really seems to like it. I am not sure if he is getting any thing out of it, but he can hold it, chew on it, and bang it around on his high chair.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

My son & his girlfriend's Willa & Dovie

Meet Willa & Dovie. They have been around awhile, but I am just now getting some pictures of them. Kellan and I went to Alison's (twins mom) house last week for a mommy play date. It started to rain so we couldn't leave just yet so Kellan took a nap in Willa's bed, which was great because it gave me time to cuddle with the girls, well really just Dovie. When Kellan woke up I had to put Dovie down to tend to him, so I put her in bed with him, then decided, this is cute, I need my camera, so we put Willa in there also.

The girls could of cared less, but Kellan though it was cool, he just keep looking at them.

Monday, September 8, 2008

A Sunday in the life.......

Sunday was another nice weather day, which meant little man could hang outside with us while we continued to work on our many backyard projects. Finally we are almost done with the electrical stuff. Its a very time consuming process. Brady had to dig a trench to the shed and run wire so we could not only have light in the shed, but on the outside and in the flower bed. I am really no help. My job was to keep Brady's tea glass full, feed him and take care of Kellan. So I took the opportunity to ....take pictures and when I say a few I mean a bazillion. Here are a few of my favs.
Kellan got bored of that so we brought his activity mat out.
Then it was time for daddy to put a new toy together.
After nap time, it was hammock time while daddy continued to fiddle with the flower bed lights and fountain.
All in all it was a wonderful family fun day and we now have light !!!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

5 1/2 month well check

Well some how we got all messed up on Kellan's well checks, so his 4 monther was at 5 1/2 months. He of course is healthy as can be. Just a little, little. He has yet to double his birth weight of 8.7 lbs and currently weighing in at a whopping 14.12 lbs which is about in the 15% for his age. He is almost 27 inches which is about 75% for age. Thank goodness for those legs (like momma's) !!!