Thursday, February 19, 2009

Powder Bath Sink Re-do

You know how it is when you move into a cookie-cutter plain Jane house. Well that's just not gonna fly with me. We have lived here for 2+ years now and always have a project up our sleeves trying to give our home personalty. The powder bath off the kitchen when we moved in was a boring yucky place !! Inspired by Brady's sisters powder bath, we too did a dog/cat theme. We painted the walls and hung lots of doggies and kitty's, but that didn't fix the problem. We had a vision...... a old piece of furniture with a sink to replace the pedestal sink. Now that we had a plan, we were on a mission. We found the perfect piece at an Antique shop on my b-day trip to Fredricksburg in 2007 (I was pregnant then) It didn't fit in the car as we thought so we had to strap it to the roof. That made for a long, slow ride home. Once we got it home it has since lived in my bedroom (Nov 07 till Jan 09). I drug it out one day to use it as a display table for a wine party I was hosting. I re-discovered the beauty of the piece and begged for Brady to "put it in the bathroom already". He did, and I love it, and let me say, I probably appreciate it more since it took so long to happen. Its so pretty and has storage, and who doesn't need more spots to stash crap ?? To properly give Brady props, I must explain that he had to cut the hole in the top to accompany the new sink, re-plum the underneath & cut out parts of the back to make room for the pluming. Thanks honey, your the best !!

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