Friday, May 21, 2010

More outdoor fun

So day 2 of frog pool fun, mamma was prepared. I actually suited Kellan up in his 6-12 month trunks from last year, lathered him up with lots of SPF and brought out all the water/sand/pool toys. He was ready !

Its been working out where Kellan gets up from his nap, I feed Campbell, put her down then its Kellan and mommy time (love it). That's why there are no pictures of her outside, just in case you where wondering.

Then I brought out and blew up myself (sigh) this big ole beach ball (b-day present from the Goldens)that you hook the water hose up to and it spays all over the place. He loved it !!
The next day I invited Kellan's girlfriends Willa & Dovie over to share some of the excitement, only Dovie got sprayed in the face with water and decided to go with her momma for a car ride to pick up her daddy.

These 2 played so well with one another. Couldn't care less they were getting soaked in the face.
Then it was time for a pick up ride, notice Kellan's letting Willa drive ????

Not sure whats going on here ?? Willa's a little rebel, no fear riding the four wheeler off the porch.

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